5/? No More Idols 01.31.2023 When embarking on a journey of introspective discovery with no clear destination, taking pit stops to rest from your travels is inevitable. As much as you may enjoy the progress and revelations along the way, staring into the fractured...
4/? The Struggle Is Real 09.30.2022 It fascinates me that no matter how hard we try to control our own situations, planning out the steps and preparing for the various presumed obstacles we would hypothetically encounter, we can still somehow find ourselves in an...
3/? Finding Solace In Silence 07.29.2022 It is not lost on me that if you’re at this point in our journey, you may be the type that appreciates the silver linings in heartache when the GPS has you take a 90 degree turn down memory lane. When the scars have more...
2/? When Ghosts Lose Their Haunt 07.11.2022 Maybe it’s just me, but whenever I find my world freezing in time with a decent forecast of crashing skies and improbable chances of recovery, my battle scars become even more relevant and haunting. That headspace, through...
1/? The Hounds of Overthinking 07.01.2022 There’s a fascinating experience to be had during those handful or so pivotal moments in life you can find yourself in that changes your direction in an almost overwhelming, yet arguably necessary fashion. These...